Bus to Bac Ha18:55:07 | 08-12-2014 | Directory: Bac Ha Bus

There are some kinds of transportation that you can take to travel from Hanoi to Bac ha and returns. Besides the most popular transportation is going by train, traveling by bus is an option for those who have difficulty to book the train tickets or saving travel budget. There are several bus companies leading the trip to Bac Ha  from Hanoi and returns such as Hung Thanh Bus or Hai Van Bus , but Hai Van bus is strongly recommended and trusted by most travellers.

The bus has 44 sleeping bunks/ Aero space and guests are offered a small bottle of water, napkin and blanket. The bus depart at different time in the evening. It takes shorter time than going by train with reasonable price.
+ Price: US$/ ticket/ way


Departure time

Arrival time


Hanoi – Bac Ha

19:00/ 20:00

06:00/ 07:00


Bac Ha  - Hanoi




+ Booking tickets from Hai Van  Bus, the guests will get the ticket delivered to hotel and free pick up from the hotel in Hanoi's My Dinh bustation for the trip to Bac Ha and free pick up from hotel in Bac Ha  for return.


